
Monday 21 October 2013


It was raining outside.. I was going through so many food posts from net & checking the pictures.. Drooling while seeing the pictures of sweet/ spicy dishes as always...
I usually do not prefer deep fried dish.. Because of  wastage of oil after cooking & Increased intake of fat & calorie. Today I couldn't resist from preparing & eating deep fried dish. So in a single go I can have sweet as well as deep fried one. Hence I though of preparing Athirasa.

Athirasa is traditional south indian recipe .It is deep fried sweet dish. Athirasa is originally prepared from freshly grinded rice flour. Then jaggery syrup, cardamom powder, pepper powder & black sesame seeds are added. Then smooth paste of coconut is added to form dough. Then pressed dough is deep fried in coconut oil.
Since I couldn't get fresh rice flour, I have used grinded rice dough.


Dosa Rice : 1 1/2 Cups
Jaggery : 1 Cup 
Grated coconut : 1/4 cup
Black sesame (Til) seeds : 2 Spoon
Cardamom : 3 Nos
Black Pepper Powder : 1/2 Spoon
Salt : A pinch
Coconut Oil - For deep frying


  1. Wash & soak rice for 2 hours.
  2. Roast Black sesame seeds till they splutter.
  3. Roast grated coconut till they turn golden brown.
  4. Grind the rice, cardamom & black pepper powder with little water, till smooth paste. Keep aside.
  5. In heavy bottomed pan, add jaggery , black sesame seeds , grated coconut & around 3/4 cup of water.
  6. Bring to boil till all jaggery dissolves & bubbles are coming out.
  7. Now add the grinded rice paste & sauté. 
  8. Continue till all water contents evaporates & dough cooked well. It forms chapati dough consistency.
  9. Apply oil in your palm, prepare lemon sized ball & press into small sized chapati on plastic or banana leaf. Let the thickness around 3-4 mm.
  10. Now deep fry the till golden brown.
  11. Take out from oil & place it on kitchen paper to remove excess oil.
  12. Store in a air tight container.
  13. They tastes best after 2 or 3 days.

  • Athirasa deep fried in coconut oil tastes better compared to other cooking oil.
  • Adjust jaggery according to your taste.

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